French Bulldogs Belonging to Lady Gaga Stolen, Dog Walker Shot

By | February 7, 2024
French bulldogs

According to reports, someone shot one of Lady Gaga’s dog walkers. The man is now at the hospital recovering, and the condition is quite severe. There were also Lady Gaga’s two french bulldogs who went missing on the same night as reported by PEOPLE.

As the Police of Los Angeles investigated the incident, they said a robbery took place around 9:40 pm on Wednesday. The French dogs were then in Sierra Bonita Avenue, Los Angeles.

LAPD investigating the kidnapping and shooting incident

Authorities didn’t disclose the dog walker’s name. He is under significant scrutiny from doctors at the hospital, as LAPD informed. The investigation said that a man shot the dog walker with a handgun. It was probably a semi-automatic one. There was evidence which described the shooter went in the direction of Hollywood Boulevard in a vehicle. The homicide division of LAPD, which deals with robberies, is handling the case.

The victim was famous singer Lady Gaga’s dog walker

Lady Gaga’s representative informed that Lady Gaga was in Italy and confirmed that the victim was Gaga’s dog walker. The names of the missing dogs were Gustav and Koji.

Lady Gaga announced prize money to find her dogs

Lady Gaga has announced a $500,000 prize money if anyone provided the whereabouts of the dogs. The email address is, and one should send the dogs’ information if anyone finds anything.

Gaga had adopted Gustav, her dog, in 2016

Gaga shared that she felt immense pride while adapting Gustav as a new family member of JOANNE. The singer then did not name him but decided on two names Moopig or Cowpig.

French bulldogs – expensive breed and easy to steal

SNORT rescue’s founder Tara Bruno said that French bulldogs’ prices are very high. The breed’s demand is also high. Their size is also small and easy to carry. SNORT is an institution based in New Jersey which rescues Pugs, Boston terriers, and bulldogs.

The bulldogs from French cost a minimum of $3,000 to a maximum of $5,000. These have an excellent reputation among other breeds. Many posch importers from overseas or dog mills charge even $10,000 for these French bulldogs.

French bulldogs rank fourth as the most liked breed in the US, according to The AKC. The most liked breed on the list is Labradors, then golden retrievers on the second most liked breed, and the third German shepherds are there on the list. Due to their small size, bulldogs are an easy option for dog robbers.

Bruno added that the motive of the robbers is simple, that is, to resell the dogs. They can earn quite a lot of dollars for those French bulldogs.