Caitlyn Jenner to Run for California Governorship, Newsom to Face Recall

By | July 9, 2023
Caitlyn Jenner to Run for California Governorship, Newsom to Face Recall

Caitlyn Jenner, the former Olympic gold medalist, announced that she would run for governor in California on Friday. The Democratic governor of the state, Gavin Newsom, faces a recall election due to several reasons he has come under the radar.

Caitlyn Jenner has not only been famous from the time she was an Olympian but also because of her relationship with Kris Jenner. She is an integral part of the Kardashian-Jenner family and was recently making headlines for her gender transformation.

Caitlyn Jenner to run for California governor

Caitlyn Jenner is a Republican and has filed her paperwork for the run. The 71-year-old took to Twitter to share that Californians want and need better politicians. She continued to discuss how difficult Sacramento politicians have been. According to her, the state needs a fighter who does what is right.

Jenner went onto say that she has always proven to be a winner. Also, she challenged to put an end to the government under Gavin Newsom, even though she is a newcomer in this field.

Jenner went onto criticizing the manhandling of the coronavirus pandemic by the California government. The level of disaster has been much less compared to other states.

Due to strict lockdown rules, many small businesses have been crushed. Children have lost one year of education and cannot go back to school, do extracurricular activities, or mingle with friends.

Possibility of face a recall election in California

If the recall efforts gather enough signatures in the election, Newsom might have to go. The citizens will be asked to cast two votes to imply if they want to remove the governor. If yes, they will have to choose a replacement from the candidates. The list will include Jenner.

In recent years, many gubernatorial recalls have been happening. However, only one signature threshold was reached. In 2003, the Democratic Governor, Gray Davis, was recalled, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, replaced him.

Gavin Newsom lashes out to ‘extremist’ Republicans

The current governor has lashed out at the Republicans and called them extremists. He said that he would fight the recall.

According to the analysis of Caitlyn Jenner’s voting records, she didn’t vote in 2016. The election was for Presidentship, and he had won the tenure. To date, Jenner has voted nine times in 26 statewide elections in California since 2000.

As per reports, the GOP hasn’t won any statewide election in California since 2006. However, it would take fewer votes for winning the governorship through the recall than normal election.

The replacement candidates can be plenty, and similar to what it was in 2003. Moreover, Newsom is not allowed to appear along with the replacement ballots. Possibly, no Democrat will run for the governor or stand again, Gavin.

Unlike regular elections, there is no primary. Since Jenner is one of the most prominent transgender recognitions in the United States, many LGBTQ activists were not cheering her entry for the run.

Charlotte Clymer, one LGBTQ activist, tweeted that Jenner doesn’t have real support. She said that she doesn’t care about her candidacy. However, she does care about how people will weaponize against transgender people because of Jenner’s step. The step might ignore things that need to be addressed, like transphobia. She went onto calling this a ‘vanity campaign’ and a selfish move.